Delivered according to industry standards via sent upload link, or to

Optimal reproduction in the newspaper is not guaranteed for advertising materials that are not produced according to the press standard.

Other material receipt:
Material in pdf format, can be sent by e-mail. Contact your usual consultant or Production Service.

To production:
Manuscripts in Word document or directly in the e-mail. Images as jpg, tiff or eps files, 100% / 200 dpi. Logos and illustrations such as jpg, tiff or eps files in a resolution of 600 dpi. In addition, we can receive vectorized (non-rasterized) illustrator / eps files, cmyk-separated.

Printing technology:
Offset rotation / Newspaper rotation.

It is recommended that writing in less than 8 points is not used. in positive and 10 point. and negative. Furthermore, only grotesque writing in a negative or colored background should be used.

40 lines

The colors should be cmyk-separated, not RGB. Prepared as 80% achromatic separation with a maximum pressure percentage of 220%. Note that spot colors must also be cmyk-separated according to the DP / E definitions.